ODI-SCM development roadmap =========================== So, what's next? Well, a few off of the tops of our heads: * Fully document the ODI-SCM commands. * Less noisy command output! * Documentation and demonstration of check-in and merge conflict detection and resolution. * Get through the current enhancements list (tracked as Issues on the GitHub site). * Deployment of database structures from the SCM system. * Documentation and demonstration of ODI test automation. * Documentation and demonstration for the ODI repository continuous rebuild tool. * Continuous Integration. * Build FitNesse/DbFit unit and acceptance tests for ODI-SCM. * Documentation and demonstration of the ODI Scenario decompiler (the tool we use to find lost source code for Scenarios). * Less *Solution of Frankenstein*, more *single development language* and *single tool installation*. * Less *Windows only*, more *platform independence*. * Look ahead to ODI 12c. * Cloud based Continuous Integration. * Drop support for the SDK-less ODI 10g and make it all much faster!